Friday, December 12, 2008

The Adventures of F8Z :The Teaser

We're currently working on a project.It's called The Adventures of F8Z.The Trailer will be uploaded soon since we're still in the process of editing it.In the meantime,you guys can just enjoy some clips we've recorded for the trailer.

Yeah we've roamed all across BJ to record this.We found interesting deserted places and perfect locations but we're still looking for a good plot.

Any suggestions,please tell.Good or Bad?You can't say anything cause the only option you have is good. :P


TheSadHeron said...

i know a good deserted place... i shuld be free on tuesday

zain said...

ooo sure,help us out

Faez said...

OMG! That was SOOO awesome! haha

syamil said...

haha babi style..

Aisyah Khalid said...

hahahaha, funneeeeeeyyy

Nadira Diana said...

HAHAHAHA! gempak sikit je

Arif said...

sienz xde lagu lain ke

zain said...

gempak sngt2 lhhh :P

dayana said...

weird music :O

zain said...

arabian rap :0