Monday, December 15, 2008

Changing school?

I did consider moving to another school and I'm still considering it now.I'm not sure about my decision though.I intend to move to a school that I already have some friends so I won't get lonely.

I talked with my parent and at this time private schools are a no no.Big chance I'm moving to 9 or 2 but a bigger chance I'll be staying a BJrian till I finish school.I don't really know what to do.I'm sick of being a PRS and wanted to quit but I want enough co-curricular points to avoid National Service.

I'm not confident about being active in co-curricular activies in other school too.Maybe I'll just stay?woah


Arif said...

senang, xya skola XD

TheSadHeron said...

is there really no co-curicular activity that interests you?

Faez said...

mung stay bukik jelutong doh arr.
hok ko-ko tu mung piker elok2 skek.
kekgi dok minat susoh kang:)

NJ said...

sayang just stay where you are

syamil said...

marilah ke sekolah 2 jadi pengawas cm camp ade geng..haha..

zain said...

haha.mcm jd pengawas senang je