Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tuna Sandwich Recipe


-Bread as much as you need



-Salad Dressing

-Chilli Sauce


-Peppers,white and black

-Cheddar Cheese

Did this for breakfast yesterday and thought I wanted to share it with you guys.You're welcome.
I actually put yam chips wih it :P

Anyway,for the filling which is the tuna,you mix plain,non-mayo or anything tuna with chilli sauce,mayo and peppers.

Plusplusplus there you go.


Arif said...

mmm. looks yummy

zain said...


Faez said...

I know you LOVE extra mayo! XD

NJ said...
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NJ said...

i don't know how to make somehting as simple as this :/
but i boleh goreng telur
wooyeah! :p

NJ said...


zain said...

hehe.jom lh goreng telur :D