Friday, December 5, 2008

wtf man wtf

Last night we went jamming.and we sucked so god what happened guys?too much holiday really gives a big blow to the band's performance and we could ALL see it clearly.Sorry to post this video.I know it might hurt your ears but what the heck.Here's last night's jamming session.

Yes,yes it sucks.But we're working on our own song now so maybe things will improve naturally and we'll be back rocking like we used to.Check Yes Juliet,we the kings.


Arif said...

so awesome

syazzone said...

wow. so rusty.. haha.

syamil said...

woah :O sucks ! hahha..

zain said...

kalau live lg sedap :p

Faez said...

katy ko nye, KIRSTEN AKU PUNYE! back off:S

syazzone said...

ouh. dnt get angry..
just being honest. haha.XP

zain said...

pesal syazwan?tkde orng marah pn -.-

Arif said...

suara rock syml kewl