Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kanak-kanak Ribena di Taman

Ok,so me,Arif and Faiz decided to go lepak mamak,around 5 in the evening like that.I haven't eaten luch yet so what the heck,I followed them to Restoran Tanjung Corner.Our normal lepak place.We used to go there after each jogging session to refill our lost fats.Yes,stupidly true.

So after I finished my nasi goreng belacan(yes there is such thing),we roamed around BJ to do something else,we went to the playground finaly just to waste our time.

I found those little horsies disturbingly fun.Made me feel...rempit-ish.


Arif said...

ko suruh comment

Arif said...

faiz horny ngan bende tuh. ko merempit

zain said...

faiz mmg horny

TheSadHeron said...

0_0... that was... disturbing...

Faez said...

Total Awesomeness! XD

zain said...

aqil will remember faiz doing that thing forever

Anonymous said...

hahaa u guys r hilarious

syazzone said...

tkder kerja...
mat rempit yg tk cukup duit nk beli moto, maen dkt permainan KANAK2 utk memuaskan hati.

idzy said...

looks like fun :D