Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Salad Sandwich


-Bread as much as you need (Toasted)

-Tuna (Baked or cooked without oil)

-Caesar's Salad

-Thousand Island Sauce

-Mozarella Cheese

-Cheddar Cheese

Yeay did this one for breakfast too.Needed some cooking but can still be classified as lazy people's recipe.I used tuna with mayo this time.Just heat it up until it's crusty like.

Heat it with mozarella.Let the cheese melt and mix it.For the salad,like any other salad,add the thousand island sauce.

Oh,and keep in mind that the bread needs toasting but you do that lastly because you want it to hothot and crispy.The cheddar cheese,just add it into the sandwich.


Arif said...

o.o tasty

nadhirah said...

i'm starving!!!!!

syazzone said...

tk gebang plk.

TheSadHeron said...

i noticed u can take metal. try Judas Priest. it's somewhat of an old band but these guys are the yardstick when it comes to determining how good a metal band it.